Once you add the Rotating Text/Image placeholders to the Designer, you need to configure them.
What is more, the paths to the files must stay the same. In the case of CodeTwo Email Signatures for Email Clients, you have to copy all files to all client computers. Graphical representation of the relationship between the Rotating Text and Rotating Image placeholders and folders and files. Dynamic content can be added to signatures by using two types of dynamic content placeholders: #4 refers to an HTM file containing įig. 8. When an email is sent, this type of content is randomly or sequentially pulled from a user-defined repository and inserted ( embedded) to this email. Signature-adding CodeTwo programs allow you to enhance email signatures by adding dynamic content. For example, you have several marketing banners, and you would like CodeTwo software to add a different banner (linking to a corresponding marketing campaign) to every email. You would like to insert image links (images that are linked to a web resource) into email signatures, and these images should dynamically change every time a new message is sent so that each message gets a different picture. How to add dynamically changing image links to emails